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推荐本文章 | 点击进入《必克.微杂志 118期2012-07-20 来源:必克.微杂志 118期  点击:209  推荐:15

London: the Coolest City in the World

For much of its history, innumerable epigrams have been coined about London by both her enthusiasts and detractors. The great 18th-century writer and wit Samuel Johnson said that a man who is tired of London is tired of life. Oliver Wendell Holmes11 said, “No person can be said to know London. The most that anyone canclaim is that he knows something of it.” Simply stated, London is one of the most interesting places on earth. There is no other place like it in its agglomeration of architectural sins and sudden intervention of almost ruralsights, in its medley of styles, in its mixture of the green loveliness of parks and the modern gleam of neon. Thankfully, the old London of Queen Anneand Georgian architecture can still be discovered under the hasty routine of later additions.
Today, that sense of modernity is stronger than ever. Everyone is talking about swinging-againLondon. It is still, as Vanity Fair proclaimed, “the coolest, hottest city inthe world.” Millennium fever left its trophies -- a panoply of new buildings.The boom economy of the mid-'90s helped the city's art, style, fashion, anddining scenes make headlines around the world. London's chefs have become superstars; its fashion designers have conquered Paris; avant-garde artists have made waves; the city's raging after-hours scene is packed; and the the atercontinues its tradition of radical, shocking productions, which barely seem toturn most hairs. Even Shakespeare embraces cool: the Bard's own, reborn Globe-- the fabled “wooden O” -- is functioning brilliantly on the bank of theThames just 200 yards from where it stood in the 16th century; when the troupehere presented Two Gentlemen of Verona, cast members were costumed in Ray-Bansun glasses and sneakers.



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